There are a lot of decisions that need to be made when you decide to remodel a home or build a new one: paint colors, fixture styles and more. There is one thing that can actually save you a bundle, but many people just brush off as unimportant – your
programmable thermostat.
This little device is a great start to saving a lot of greenbacks now and down the road. The problem is that you have to make the right choice when the time comes. You will be faced with several choices for programmable thermostats, but they will generally fall into two categories: digital or non-digital.
The difference between these two types is obvious when looking at them. Digital setback thermostats allow to you set exact times and temperatures using an electronic device and is sometimes connected to the internet. Non-digital setback thermostats do not feature the electronic interface and generally feature a dial or knob that is moved to set temperatures and times.
Saving the planet is more than just a recent fad. There is strong evidence supporting the need for more environmental responsibility from each of us. By choosing a digital
setback thermostat over a traditional one you are making a small step to decreasing your carbon footprint. The precise time and temperature settings you get with a digital programmable thermostat allow you and your family to save energy by shutting off or adjusting the temperature when it is not needed.
Another way your new digital setback thermostat will be helping the planet is by decreasing the amount of mercury put into landfills around the world. Every year tons of this deadly metal are dumped into landfills and can actually make its way back into the eco-system. Old setback thermostats actually have higher mercury concentrations than any other item or device in your home.
Mercury is not only dangerous to the environment, but it can be extremely dangerous to humans and pets. Illnesses and health problems associated with mercury exposure include kidney failure, cancer and even death. The best way to avoid any accidental exposure to mercury is by eliminating it from your home. New digital setback thermostats do not use any mercury and are safer for your family.
Upgrade your Anoka home thermostat today! Just call Superior Heating, Air Conditioning, and Electric at (763) 422-1721, and see what advantages a new digital setback thermostat can do for your home.