Make Sure Your Next Home Renovation Is Thorough With These Air Quality Tips
If you want to take a big step with your new home, or even your current one, a home renovation can make a big difference to your quality of life. Depending on the amount of money you’re willing to spend, this renovation can bring some huge improvements.
However, one area that people often forget about is the quality of the air. We’ve got some tips here that can ensure that, at the end of the renovation, you air quality may increase.
Install an Air Purifier
For people that want the ultimate in air safety and purity, this is a very sound investment.
Thanks to the improvements made in insulation, windows and weather efficiency, today’s homes are not as “leaky” as they used to be, which means that the air inside the home tends to remain there.
However, depending on certain lifestyle choices, like smoking inside, air quality indoors can sometimes be worse—and potentially more harmful—than the air outside.
For people that don’t want to deal with this situation, installing an air purifier during the renovation is a great option.
While some air purifiers can be bought as standalone, smaller units that can be moved from room to room, larger units exist that are installed directly on your HVAC system. These purifiers clear the entire home, guaranteeing air quality better than you’ve probably ever experienced. A great choice for people with chronic respiratory issues.
Protect Your Basement From Moisture
If you’re moving into a home with an unfinished basement, or you’ve finally decided you want to use your current unfinished basement for more than just laundry, take moisture into account. A home that you have yet to move into should be inspected to see if it has leaks or foundation problems.
The same applies if you’ve never really checked out your current basement beyond storing things or doing laundry. A leaky basement will hurt you in two ways.
The first, in your wallet, is that covering the basement with drywall or carpet means you’ll need to pay to have these things removed and replaced once water damage sets in. The other is that a consistently moist basement can create a haven for mold. If mold gets into your drywall or carpet, that creates a health risk for everyone in the home.
Replace Your HVAC Filter
After all the major work has been done during your renovation, there’s one final thing you can do to ensure your air remains safe.
While it’s usually a task we recommend on a seasonal basis of every three months, after a major renovation, it’s usually a good idea to replace the filter in your HVAC system.
The renovation created a greater than usual amount of contaminants in the air, like dust, which your filter has been catching.
It’s much dirtier now than it would be under normal circumstances, which forces your HVAC to work harder, and that means higher energy bills until you regain your efficiency with a new filter. Once the work is done however, your home in Anoka, MN is now better than it ever was! It suits your personal needs, has probably increased in property value, and, with these tips, enjoys better air quality than ever before.